Pull requests

Improve quality of code while spreading knowledge about changes in a project.
A Pull Request is the concept of adding changes to a Git repository in a controlled way.
The developer is responsible for making changes, while the team is responsible for maintaining them.
As soon as the code enters the main branch, its everyone's responsibility.
Then better make sure the team agrees on adding the code before doing so.

Benefits of Pull Requests

  • Less bugs
  • Knowledge spread
  • Maintain conventions
  • Atomic changes
  • Separate branches

Less bugs

One developer can't spot all bugs. Let's do it together.

Knowledge spread

By reviewing the code, you also get to know what's added to the project.

Maintain conventions

You will help each other maintain your coding conventions.

New members of projects will learn the conventions by reading pull requests.

Atomic changes

To ease the reviewing process, a PR should only contain changes related to its associated issue. This leads to traceability.

Separate branches

One change goes in each branch. You will keep the work separated from each other, causing less conflicts and isolated changes.



In practice